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Undogmatic Productions

Hi, I'm Niya. I'm an independent producer, screenwriter, and director from Baker, Louisiana based in Los Angeles, California.

Like many others born in the last 90s and early 2000s, I grew up in the midst of the rise of media and technology. I especially loved video games and television. When playing games, I was often drawn to the plot and character-driven games. These sparked my curiosity in storytelling through different mediums from a young age. I wanted to learn about the process behind how stories are formed, how directors come up with their visions, the cinematography, and so on and so forth. Everything involving production was my forte. As a result, when I got older, I decided to pursue a career in what I love most: film and television. I aim to take my love for film & television and apply it to any and all opportunities I come across, while also continuing to learn every day. I aspire to be a creative producer.

Because of my younger self's drive and ambition, I stuck with what felt right and have been graced with amazing opportunities so far in my career. I'm always looking for my next project, as well.


Keyla's Letter delves into the ambitions, hobbies, and interests of Keyla Aldana (she/they), the creator and one of four administrators on the very popular Harry Styles Instagram update account, @harryflorals. Behind their voice-over narration is a documentation of the days leading up to and during two separate Harry Styles concerts that took place in Los Angeles, California.

Along with Keyla's Letter, I also have an anthology short film series that I produced through Louisiana State University's Screen Arts program titled, Not Alone. Not Alone is a futuristic anthology series that tackles the events following a mysterious accident that occurred on a planet that was not Earth. All three installments of the series screened at the Lake Charles Film Festival in October 2023.

Along with my filmmaking endeavors, I have had the privilege of interning with a few studios that have granted me experience in the scripted and unscripted landscape of television. I'm currently a West Coast Page at NBCUniversal and are an Academy Gold Rising Alumna.


Group Effort Initiative

Academy Gold Rising

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